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James Hadley Chase

author : James Hadley Chase

category : Mystery

(René Brabazon Raymond)
( - )

aka James L Dochery, Ambrose Grant, Raymond Marshall, René Raymond

James Hadley Chase was born in London and initially worked as a book wholesaler. He was heavily influenced by American crime and gangster writers and his own books fall within that genre, with many of them based in the U.S. Chase developed a number of series characters, with several books dedicated to each and all are fast moving tales of murder, intrigue, blackmail and espionage. Characters include ex commando Brick-Top Corrigan, Californian private eye Vic Malloy, former C.I.A. agent Mark Girland, and millionaire Don Miclem. Hailed as " the thriller maestro of the generation ", Chase died in 1985.

James Hadley Chase Book Series